Today, the news reported that an 11 year old child, yes, child had shot to death an elderly gentleman and his 31 year old daughter. I haven't listened to the details of the shooting, apparently he was related to them and is now being held under bond. He confessed. Less than an hour later, there was another news report announcing that there were multiple shots fired at a high school not far from my home. Not many details have been released except that a suspect has been detained and there are multiple casualties airlifted to hospitals in Atlanta. Can you imagine being the parents of a child who hasn't yet walked to the football stadium where authorities are releasing children to their parents?
The first thought that crossed my mind at the news of an 11-year old shooting someone was..."he's only in the 5th grade!!!! How can you hate someone enough to shoot them when you're only ELEVEN?!?!?!" But the very next thought was an acknowledgement that in today's world, with all the hatred and ugliness, I know how. It's all our children know. Is it any wonder they're having anxiety attacks in elementary school? This is what childhood should look like.....