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Writer's picturejstanion1890

Reaching deeper...

Some of the interview questions I've been asked have forced me to do a lot of soul searching. Here's one of the ones that really hit home to a teacher of 31 years...

The World's Best Magazine: The theme of education, especially in a government-controlled environment, plays a significant role in “My Place Among Them.” How do you see the role of education in shaping or distorting cultural identities, both historically and today?

JS: As a former teacher, this work helped me understand how easily a teacher can influence students with his/her own beliefs in the process of teaching something as simple as “reading, writing and arithmetic”. Teachers may do this intentionally or unintentionally out of ignorance of the power of their words to influence children. The younger the child, the more influence the teacher’s words may have. If a family, community or culture isn’t allowed (or simply fails) to pass its own values to the next generation, those young people are likely to absorb whatever is the most appealing value system they are exposed to. If the education system (whether it be religious, government or private) is “teaching” concepts that are in opposition to the cultural beliefs of a family, students may choose to abandon their own cultural history and identity, especially if the “new” beliefs are reinforced through social media and television. It has been refreshing to me to see such practices as the Lakota Sun Dance being publicly allowed once again as part of the celebration of traditional Indigenous beliefs. Many of the elders who knew the details of the practice have passed on. All people search for meaning to their lives. Cultural traditions can help us find that meaning.

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