I hear a lot about bullying these days. Most of the tales come from parents of school age children, often middle schoolers, who are fed up with the fact that their child is being bullied and the school "isn't doing anything about it". May I suggest you get yourself a Moonpie if at all possible?
You might ask, "What's a Moonpie?"
Here's a Moonpie...

A Moonpie is a 4-legged creature with a heart as big as the whole outdoors, They come in a wide variety of colors and sizes with huge round eyes and velvety noses. The perfect one will always outweigh your child by tenfold, but will, for reasons you will never understand, bow its head and perform almost any act your child asks it to attempt.
In the photo above , you can see that, despite being able to careen freely through the woods on a whim, the Moonpie is carefully lifting its feet and hurtling its entire body over a piece of white pipe that bears no resemblance to anything in the natural world...all to satisfy a wish from a wisp of a child holding that blue rope loosely around its neck.
Do you think that child is worrying about the bully that broke in lunch line last Wednesday at school? I doubt it.
And one day, that child will figure out that, if he...or she...can control a 400 pound Moonpie, he...or she...can handle that gnarly-faced bully in the lunch line.
Especially, if you're there cheering that child on for every little success that comes from living and learning and playing with a Moonpie.
**Picture "borrowed" from someone who's made a career of finding Moonpie's for children, and for quite a few children at heart!